“I’m busy”.
“I don’t have time for this”.
“I’m too exhausted to work on this now”.
How many times have we caught ourselves saying these things? We don’t actually realize it, because that’s become our norm these days. Being just ‘busy’ is often misconstrued with being productive.
We all might have different jobs in hand, but one thing we do have in common is – 24 HOURS/DAY. And one who has managed to make the most of it by actually being PRODUCTIVE, is the real game changer.
So, what can be done to change our perspective of being busy in the name of productive??
Are we really able to manage time perfectly and still are under the stress of striking off that endless to-do lists that we made at the start of the week??
Do we feel that we don’t have enough of the provided time to actually do things that we love to??
If your answer to all the above questions is a big fat YES, then probably it’s because we fail TO MANAGE OUR TIME EFFECTIVELY!!
So here I present to you a few easy to do but highly effective time management tips:
The concept of making super long to-do lists is not new to us. Also, the habit of making a physical to-do list is considered far better than making mental to-do lists, as it increases our probability of finishing that particular work since it stays right in front our eyes. Thus, we are less likely to forget them.
(a). Assign Time for each task: It so happens that we fail to complete even half of the written tasks. This is because we don’t consider the amount of time that each task would require. Assigning a particular time slot to each task makes it easier for us to get it done within that time frame. Else, we often take much more time than is actually required. (For example: Do meditation @ 8 am for 15 minutes)
BONUS TIP - Add a buffer time to each task, which will help in finishing off any emergency work that might pop-up in between. Usually, a buffer time of 10 mins for a task of 1 hour is preferred.
(b). Next comes Prioritizing: The most important task of the day should be given max priority. Hence, segregating them according to their priority levels might give us a better idea of the importance of each task. Remember to keep your to-do lists clear, and actionable.
Last but definitely not the least and my favorite thing to do, STRIKE OFF every task once you complete it. Trust me, that’s super satisfying and calming.
We all sure have our own specified timings where we feel ourselves to be the most productive. The key is to identify those timings where our energy level is at its peak and start working on tasks that demand high energy to get them completed. Also, organizing our day around our body’s capability will ensure the completion of all the tasks, no matter how big or small they are.
I’m sure this is a well-known fact. It’s also true that getting rid of distractions totally is a bit too difficult. But at least its minimization should be practiced to boost up our productivity levels.
One of the methods that I use is Pomodoro technique, which I’m sure most of you would be familiar with. It’s a technique of blocking out a particular amount of time (traditionally a 25 minutes session followed by a 5-minute break) to perform a particular task with maximum focus. It’s one of the oldest productivity tools out there which makes us work within the given time interval plus helps us record the completion time of any task. Therefore, instead of using fancy apps that disable our internet connections or a few distractive apps, I feel this method works well with me, and all it requires is just a timer, pen and a record to note my progress. The main goal here is to create blocks of focused work and so you can set the timer to how many ever minutes you think will make you remain focused and productive.
This is by far the most important one of all. Working for long hours on the same task might reduce our focus and concentration. The key here is to take a small break after completion of any task to maintain and restore our energy throughout the day. Relaxing ourselves can be done in many ways:
(a). Our senses are often the main reason for exhaustion and hence the prime focus should be shutting them down for at least a minute or two. This can be done by placing your fingers on eyes, ears, nose and mouth in such a way that they get covered partially at least. Next, try taking in deep breaths as much as possible. When you open your eyes after two minutes, you will surely have a feeling of newness in the air and could be the perfect method to achieve that instant freshness.
(b). Nature always helps. If you can move around, then taking a walk around in the neighborhood could be a good change for our exhausted minds.
(c). One of the best forms of relaxation comes from deep breathing. Do try out the 4-7-8 breathing exercise: Breathe in slowly for 4 seconds, hold it for 7 seconds and breathe out for 8 seconds. Works like magic.
If you've managed to reach till here, then that makes me super happy! These were just some of the tried and tested tips from my side to yours!
And I hope you liked reading it as much as I loved writing it for you! 🧡🧡